
Press Releases

Himes Statement on Russian Election Interference Attempts

WASHINGTON, DC—Today, Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Jim Himes released the following statement on the Biden Administration’s effort to counter election interference by the Russian government:

“Today, the Administration took a series of actions to disrupt efforts by Russia to interfere in our elections and undermine trust in our democratic institutions. The activities alleged in the indictment unsealed today against two RT employees are highly aggressive and demonstrate the priority that the Kremlin places on attempting to influence our political debate. We must respond appropriately to disrupt these malign actors and expose their activities, while remaining mindful of the First Amendment rights of all Americans.

“The Administration, the Intelligence Community, and Congress must continue doing everything possible to combat these and similar efforts in the coming months, by Russia as well as other actors like Iran and China. However, the best defense is critical thinking and analysis by Americans. I hope that continued transparency around the nature and magnitude of these threats leads all Americans to exercise additional caution and carefully examine any information presented to them from unverified sources."