
Press Releases

Chairman Schiff Statement on Trump’s Latest Corrupt Pardons

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Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement: “In innumerable ways, Donald Trump has abused the power of his office, and now he does so again with the pardon power. Trump is doling out pardons, not on the basis of repentance, restitution or the interests of justice, but to reward…

Chairman Schiff Statement on Solar Winds Hack

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Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement: “Cyber-attacks, particularly from malign state-sponsored actors in Russia, China and Iran have grown only more sophisticated as the hacking arms race accelerates, but their goals remain the same – to undermine the United States, our…

Chairman Schiff Statement on FireEye Hack

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Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement: “Foreign actors have not stopped attacking our country and its critical and cybersecurity infrastructure since 2016. In fact, they’ve continued, grown more sophisticated and only have to succeed once, while the U.S. government and…

Chairman Schiff Statement on Pardon of Michael Flynn

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Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement “Donald Trump has abused the pardon power to reward his friends and political allies, and protect those who lie to cover up for him. This time, Trump has once again abused the pardon power to reward Michael Flynn, who chose loyalty to…

Schiff Urges GSA Administrator to Fulfill Legal Obligation and Allow Formal Presidential Transition Process to Begin

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WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, sent a letter to General Services Administrator Emily Murphy. The letter lays out her legal obligation to “ascertain” that former Vice-President Joseph R. Biden is the “apparent successful candidate” of the 2020 presidential election and to allow the formal transition…

Chairman Schiff Statement on Trump’s Firing of CISA Director

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Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement: “Throughout this election, the CISA and Director Krebs have worked diligently to safeguard our elections, provide vital support to state and local election officials, and inform the American people about what was true and what was not.…

House Committee Chairs Send Dozens of Letters Directing White House and Federal Agencies to Preserve Documents

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Washington, D.C. (Nov. 10, 2020)— Today, Committee Chairs across the House of Representatives sent letters directing the White House and more than 50 federal agencies within their jurisdictions to comply with federal record-keeping laws and preserve information responsive to congressional subpoenas and investigations. “As the Trump Administration prepares for the…

Chairman Schiff Speech at the Brookings Institution on China and the Intelligence Community

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Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, delivered a speech at the Brookings Institution as part of its Global China Initiative. The speech, as prepared, is below: Last month, after a two year “deep dive,” a review of thousands of analytic assessments, and hundreds of hours of…

House Intelligence Committee to Hold Virtual Open Hearing on Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories Online

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Washington, DC – On Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 1:30 pm ET, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) will convene a virtual unclassified hearing entitled, “Misinformation, Conspiracy Theories, and ‘Infodemics’: Stopping the Spread Online.” Conspiracy theories and misinformation narratives that prey on individuals’ fears and uncertainties continue to mar the online…

House Intelligence Committee Report Recommends Reforms for Intelligence Agencies To Keep Pace on Research and Development, and Scientific and Technological Research

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Washington, DC – Today, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released a report prepared by its Strategic Technologies and Advanced Research (STAR) Subcommittee and Subcommittee Chairman Jim Himes (D-CT) to strengthen and empower the Intelligence Community’s (IC) scientific and technological research and development activities (S&T R&D). The report was voice voted…