Press Releases
Chairman Schiff Statement on Trump’s Latest Corrupt Pardons
December 22, 2020
Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement: “In innumerable ways, Donald Trump has abused the power of his office, and now he does so again with the pardon power. Trump is doling out pardons, not on the basis of repentance, restitution or the interests of justice, but to reward his friends and political allies, to protect those who lie to cover up him, to shelter those guilty of killing civilians, and to undermine an investigation that uncovered massive wrongdoing. “Trump has valued loyalty above all else —above the rule of law, above our democracy, and certainly above justice. “If you lie to cover up for the President, you get a pardon. If you are a corrupt politician who endorsed Trump, you get a pardon. If you murder civilians while at war, you get a pardon. “It goes to show, if you elect a corrupt man as President of the United States, you get corruption — and lots of it.” ### |