
Press Releases

House Intelligence Committee Advances FY25 Intelligence Authorization Act

House Intelligence Committee Advances FY25 Intelligence Authorization Act

Washington, D.C., June 12, 2024

The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence passed the Intelligence Authorization Act (IAA) for Fiscal Year 2025, which authorizes funding for the United States Intelligence Community (IC). The measure was passed unanimously by voice.

“As America’s adversaries become more emboldened, it is imperative that Congress strengthen U.S. national security and make certain that the men and women who serve our country in the Intelligence Community have the tools and resources they need,”said Chairman Mike Turner and Ranking Member Jim Himes.“Beijing and Moscow continue to expand their nuclear programs and space-based weapons systems. With authoritarian regimes exploring novel capabilities, the IC must be equipped to perform in all operational environments. The Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025 takes critical steps to bolster the United States’ counterintelligence posture while also calling for greater transparency within the IC and expanding whistleblower protections for past and present IC employees. By passing the FY25 IAA in a bipartisan fashion, the House Intelligence Committee has once again demonstrated its commitment to safeguarding our national security.”

The legislation advances significant bipartisan Committee priorities, including:

Investing in Space Infrastructure

The bill counters Russia and Chinese destabilizing influences by investing in the critical national security space industrial base.It invests in strategic U.S. supply chain sectors and grows strong space acquisition expertise by working with the Space Force acquisition professionals as part of the longstanding military commitment to the National Reconnaissance Office.

Continuing to Address CIA’s Response to Sexual Assault and Harassment in the Workforce

The Committee continues to monitor the implementation of the FY24 IAA provision addressing the handling of sexual assault reports inside the CIA. Specifically, the bill modifies the special victim investigator position to ensure investigative objectivity.

Supporting Congressional Oversight to Ensure an Effective CIA

The IAA directs the Government Accountability Office to conduct a study on the CIA’s reorganization known as “modernization” to assess its impacts on operational and analytic culture within the agency. This will help ensure the IC adapts to the evolving global security environment.

Taking Next Steps Related to Anomalous Health Incidents (AHIs)

While the Committee’s investigation into AHIs continues, the bill authorizes the establishment of an independent commission on the national security and defense risks associated with AHIs

Bolstering Cybersecurity and Counterintelligence Threat Warning

The U.S. continues to see foreign threats on American soil and through nation-state cyber intrusions. This year, the Committee has taken steps to strengthen resilience against foreign counterintelligence and cyber threats. The Committee authorizes counterintelligence capabilities for the U.S. Coast Guard and increases counterintelligence support for the Department of Energy, provides enhanced oversight at the Department of Treasury and the Department of State, and directs a new awareness program at the FBI to provide information to prevent and mitigate cyber-attacks against critical infrastructure.

Retaining and Recruiting a Strong IC Workforce

The Committee remains dedicated to ensuring the IC recruits and retains top talent. This year, the IAA enhances recruiting efforts for transitioning military servicemembers, placing emphasis on joint duty assignments to cultivate a joint workforce that will improve talent retention, offer career enhancing experiences, and foster collaboration across the IC.

Protecting IC Whistleblowers

The Committee is focused on ensuring IC employees can communicate their concerns to the congressional intelligence committees through the Inspectors General. This year the Committee has included a number of provisions to improve the whistleblower process, including enabling former IC employees to make better use of the “urgent concern” process.

Improving SCIF and Clearance Reform

This year’s IAA continues the Committee’s focus on enhancing the transparency and structure of the IC. Mirroring the National Defense Authorization Act, this Act directs the sensitive compartmented information facility (SCIF) accreditation mission be assigned to the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) for much of the Department of Defense. Further, greater transparency of both personnel security and polygraph timeliness are mandated by the Committee.

Improving Military Counterintelligence

The bill gives special agents with Army Counterintelligence Command the tools they need to fully pursue counterintelligence investigations.

Click here to read the unclassified text of the legislation.