
Press Releases

Himes Statement on ODNI Election Security Update

Washington, DC—Today, Congressman Jim Himes (CT-04), Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee, issued the following statement on the 100 Days Until Election 2024 report issued by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence:

“The election security update from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence confirms that a range of foreign actors, especially Russia, are again seeking to influence our electoral process. Following the 2016 and 2020 elections, the Intelligence Community publicly assessed that Moscow took actions to support specific candidates and damage their opponents. This latest report suggests that we should expect more of the same from Putin this cycle.

“I commend the Intelligence Community for leaning forward to be transparent about foreign threats to our democratic process. Over the next 100 days, it is critical for the American people to remain vigilant in the face of efforts by malign actors to exploit existing fault lines in our society to sew chaos and discord. All of us, regardless of our political views, must be united in opposition to foreign efforts to meddle in our elections.”