
Press Releases

Intel Committee Ranking Member Schiff Statement on Release of Simpson Testimony

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement after HPSCI released the testimony of Glenn Simpson as part of the Committee’s Russia investigation:

“Today, the House Intelligence Committee voted on a bipartisan basis to release the transcripts of Glenn Simpson.  Those transcripts reveal serious allegations that the Trump Organization may have engaged in money laundering with Russian nationals, the same subject which Mr. Bannon described in his interview with the author of Fire and Fury. 

“Mr. Simpson, who, prior to his time at Fusion GPS, was an investigative journalist for the Wall Street Journal with a focus on Russia, the Russian government and mafia, and illicit financial transactions, testified that if the Trump Organization did engage in money laundering with the Russians, it would be with the knowledge or approval of the Kremlin and constitute powerful leverage over the President of the United States.

“Thus far, Committee Republicans have refused to look into this key area and we hope the release of this transcript will reinforce the importance of these critical questions to our investigation.”
