
Press Releases

Schiff Statement on Release of Twitter Ads, Accounts and Data

Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence , made the following statement after releasing additional accounts identified by Twitter as connected to the Internet Research Agency (IRA), all advertisements run by RT on Twitter during the election timeframe, and a sampling of voter suppression tweets provided by Twitter:

“As part of our continuing investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, today the House Intelligence Committee Minority is making additional data from Twitter public. One of the primary ways that we as Americans can begin to inoculate ourselves against a future attack on our electoral processes is to see first-hand the tools that malign actors use to attempt to destabilize and divide us.  

“By releasing this Twitter data, we hope that researchers will continue their important work exposing any additional Russian operators who used similar tactics and themes, and provide the American people with additional information to protect our elections and political debate in the future. We continue to work with Twitter and other online platforms and technology companies to fully understand the scope and scale of Russian interference during the 2016 election.

“Finally, we are also releasing a sampling of tweets provided by Twitter that showcase attempts to suppress the vote ahead of Election Day 2016. Even though there are no indicators that these types of voter suppression tweets were part of the Russian influence campaign, it is imperative that we enlighten the public about other potential avenues for abuse of social media platforms during election season.”

Information about the data, and links to the data, can be found here.

Updated comprehensive list of Internet Research Agency-linked accounts identified by Twitter can be found here. Paid advertisements run by RT in the election timeframe can be found here (@RT_com)here (@RT_America), and here (@ActualidadRT). Sampling of voter suppression content discovered by Twitter and provided to the Committee before the November 1, 2017 hearing can be found here